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Multi-Class Reunion : June 30, 2012 We had close to 700 classmates and guests
at the multi-class reunion on June 30th at the National Guard
Armory on Normandy Blvd. There was an overflowing crowd at the
reunion which made the facilities a little warm and a little
crowded, but it was well worth it to get to see so many
classmates. Many thanks to the Class of '65 who did an great
job of organizing the reunion and working so hard to make it a
success! Special guests included
Barbara Wesseling, senior English teacher, and Coaches Tom
Wasdin and Ed Cunningham. Nanci (Freeman) McCloud must
have emptied the shelves at the Cracker Barrel because the
tables were covered with nostalgia candy.
See Pictures 45th Reunion : July 10-11, 2009 Our 45th reunion was held jointly with the Class of '63 at the Ocean Breeze Officer's Club, Mayport Naval Station. The theme was "A Salute to Our Military Veterans and Their Spouses". Friday night was an informal event that allowed classmates to renew old acquaintances and catch up on current activities of both old and new friends. Saturday included a social hour, DJ & dancing, great food, and more time to mingle with old friends. Individual/couple photos were taken of all classmates. Entertainment was provided by DJ Ron Cline. Guests included English teacher Barbara Wesseling and coaches Tom Wasdin, Ed Cunningham, and Jim Foster. See more details and pictures and list of 1964 attendees.
40th Reunion - July 8-11, 2004
Our 40th reunion was held
at the Hilton Hotel on the river in downtown Jacksonville.
Activities included a cruise on the Annabelle Lee on Thursday; karaoke,
dancing and social on Friday evening; family outing by the pool during the
day on Saturday; and a dinner/dance on Saturday evening. David
Sheek took pictures. Entertainment
was provided by DJ Ron Cline on Friday & Saturday evenings. Guests
included Assistant Principal Don Cross; English teacher Barbara Wesseling and coaches Tom Wasdin,
Lou Beyers and Ed
See Pictures!! 35th Reunion - July 7-11, 1999
Our 35th reunion was held
at the Hilton Hotel on the river in downtown
Guests included Coaches Lou Beyers, Ed Cunningham and Tom Wasdin; and
English teacher Barbara Wesseling. Activities included a riverboat cruise
on Thursday; a field trip to the Tree Hill Nature Center during the day on
Friday; a rock 'n roll social on Friday night; and a dinner and sock hop
on Saturday evening.
See Pictures!!
30th Reunion - July 7-11, 1994
The 30th reunion was held
at the Sea Turtle Inn at Atlantic Beach.
Guests included former Principal Welcome Shearer, Coaches Lou Beyers, Ed Cunningham and Tom Wasdin; and
English teacher Barbara Wesseling.
See Pictures!!
25th Reunion - July 8-9, 1989
The 25th reunion was held
at the Sea Turtle Inn at Atlantic Beach.
Activities included a cruise on The First Lady riverboat on Thursday
evening; rock & roll social on Friday evening; pool party on Saturday
afternoon; dinner & sock hop on Saturday evening; and a Sunday morning
breakfast brunch. Guests included Coach Lou Beyers and English teacher
Barbara Wesseling.
See Pictures!!
20th Reunion - June 22-24 1984
The 20th reunion was held at the Sea Turtle Inn at
Atlantic Beach. Activities
included a wine & cheese social on Friday evening; pool party during the
day on Saturday; a dinner/dance on Saturday evening; and a breakfast
brunch on Sunday morning. Guests include Coaches Ed Cunningham, Lou
Beyers and
Tom Wasdin; and English teacher Barbara Wesseling. See Pictures. 15th Reunion - June 29 - July 1, 1979
Our 15th reunion was held
at the Sea Turtle Inn at Atlantic Beach.
Activities included a wine & cheese party on Friday evening; pool party &
cookout on Saturday afternoon; dinner/dance on Saturday evening and a
breakfast buffet on Sunday morning. Guests include Coaches Tom Wasdin and
Lou Beyers; and English teacher Barbara Wesseling. See Pictures. 10th Reunion - ?? - ??, 1974 Our 10th reunion was held at the Deerwood Country Club in Jacksonville. Activities included a dinner at Deerwood. See Pictures.
NOTE: We need
the dates of the 10th reunion, details on activities & guests and more
pictures (scanned only) if you have them. 5th Reunion - xxxx - xxxx, 1969 Our 5th reunion was held at the Woodmen of the World facilities in Jacksonville. See Pictures
NOTE: We need
the dates of the 5th reunion, details on activities & guests and more
pictures (scanned only) if you have them. |